Put on a hat and walk with friends, family every year on labor day (or any other time you want) to raise money and awareness for Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) to learn more about how to help people in need.

Put on a hat and walk with friends, family every year on labor day (or any other time you want) to raise money and awareness for Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) to learn more about how to help people in need.


Most of us feel able to apply basic first aid, but what about Mental Health First Aid? In 2014 Waltraud Reiner met MHFA founder Betty Kitchener, and the HATWALK idea was born. People are encouraged to use one day in the year to walk for MHFA and make it a self-motivated day to connect with people and talk about mental health and its impacts.



We may notice someone is depressed or even suicidal. But what’s the right thing to say or do? How helpless if we just don’t know. The MHFA course trains instructors to educate their communities. But training does cost money. By joining a HATWALK you raise money for that training.



Every year on Labour Day around Australia, YOU and your friends and community can put on a HAT and WALK together.

YOU can join an existing HATWALK, or start your own. Anyone can join in.

YOU can put on a hat and walk for your own and others’ mental health.

YOU can support MHFA by raising money and awareness, by donating directly to the MHFA association. https://www.givenow.com.au/mhfa

YOU can take one step at a time towards mental wellbeing



The four cornerstones of mental wellbeing are:

• Exercise through walking

• Sharing and connecting through talking to others

• Being out of doors in nature

• Helping others and doing something for someone else


• HATWALK raises awareness of Mental Health First Aid

• Raises awareness of MHFA training options and purposes

• Brings hat lovers together to celebrate 

• Raises awareness of mental illness and health



Our mental health Mascot

Our mental health Mascot



Money raised goes straight to MHFA. Donate directly to


• $300 will train a MHFA officer

• $3,500 will train a MHFA instructor

• $3,900 will train a youth instructor

• $3,500 will train an Aboriginal instructor

• Every HATWALK event raises money which goes into a special MHFA Training Grants Fund.

• Community members can apply to take the MHFA instructor course at a subsidised cost (depending on funds raised).

• Grant winners commit to holding some free MHFA training sessions in their local communities.

• Grant winners commit to holding some free MHFA training sessions in their local communities.